Saturday, April 5, 2014

A Long Time

Two years since the last post?  Doesn't mean I haven't been brewing.  I continue with the log of what's on tap and former brews.  Spent a not too cold Saturday last weekend brewing another Citra IPA.  It's a staple around my house and I always need to have some on tap.  The Oatmeal Coffee Stout didn't come out with enough coffee flavor.  In fact it was hardly detectable.  That gives me something to work on.  This Fall (which I don't even want to think about just as Spring is here) there will be another Chipotle Ale.  Kelly likes the Rogue Dead Guy and I have a clone recipe around here somewhere so I'm thinking next weekend I may take that on for him.  Not that he'll be around to drink much of it but when he visits he'll get his share and then take a growler home.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mint Gray IPA

There's nothing minty or gray about this IPA. It is however the recipe I came up with using the information Caldera Brewing provided me for their Hopportunity Knocks IPA. Oldest son Matt was given the opportunity to name the brew. I sort of, kind of, thought it would have a Middle Eastern twang to it but no. He says it is a combination of near by Mint Valley Elementary School and Robert Gray Elementary School... and it rhymes. Hummm what was he thinking (or learning) about during his early years anyway?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Caldera Brewing Company - Ashland, Oregon

It's been a bit since I've written anything but it would be a tragedy NOT to write about this beautiful beer. My friend Brandi gave me a pint bottle of Caldera Brewing Company's Hopportunity Knocks IPA. They call it their "Caldera Kettle Series - Small Batch Release". It weighs in at 6.8% ABV. The label says it uses "a @#! of Centennial hops" and I believe it. It has a big round mouth feel and it is very perfumey (their word not mine).

This is only the 3rd brew I've requested a recipe for. I don't know what the response will be but it doesn't matter because I will be looking for and drinking this brew again and again and so should you.

And now another reason to visit Caldera Brewing in Ashland. I got an almost immediate and nice reply including the recipe from Jim Mills of Caldera. I think I've changed my plans of a Citra IPA as my next brew and I'm going to see what I can do with this new recipe. Thank you Caldera Brewing and Jim Mills.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cudas Draft

After giving this some careful thought, "4-Hop Draft" while accurate in description, really doesn't reflect what the purpose of this particular beer is. Therefore I am renaming it "Cudas Draft". Partly because my Fantasy Football team the Cudas will be drafting in two weeks but mostly in honor of the original Cudas owner, my good friend, Ron. Here's to you Ron... Prost!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

4-Hop Draft

Fantasy Football draft day coming up so what would be better then to have something to share.

Malt is the soul of beer... and yeast gives it life... but the kiss of the hop is the vitality of that life!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

When you make home brew you are dealing with a living organism. It is alive - and because it is alive, it feels. Every person's brew has its own distinctive characteristics that carry through each batch. The entire process of beer making depends on one's thoughts and attitude and equally on the lives of millions of tiny organisms called yeasts.

The magic of making home brew can only come from the magic given it: magic as simple as the space you occupy.

Charlie Papazian

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Imperial Citra IP

The new brew is the prettiest and clearest brew yet. It's defiantly an IPA, my personal favorite, but very, very smooth. It's getting cold now and I'll carbonate tomorrow. I can hardly wait for it to be totally done.

Baron Marcus Griff Gilchristskitt of Longviewford (my royal name which I’ll use when I introduce myself to the Queen at THE wedding)